Sunday, August 16, 2009

I love you...

Three simple words can have so much power. I have been dating this girl for a month and a half(I know you think that may be way too early for these words) and I have decided that I love her. How do I define love? Well I can't really put it to words... it's just something that you feel; something that you are absolutely sure of. In your head, you're calling me an idiot because I have only been dating her for a month and I am already spilling these words, but I don't care. I know it's real and I don't need anybody's approval. But something that really confuses me is why people love somebody this quickly and tell the bf/gf. I mean are you trying to get him/her to break up with you? If you really love somebody, keep it a secret... he/she will freak out if they find out and will probably end up in a break-up... so don't be stupid. Tell them when it is right, after enough time is passed. I think if Cupid strikes you with an arrow, you obviously want this relationship to last... don't ruin it.

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